The Brussels Declaration “Shaping our common future: working together for prosperous, cohesive and sustainable societies for our citizens” was adopted during the EU-CELAC Summit in June 2015, affirming the intention of the EU and the Latin America region to “continue implementing, as appropriate, concrete actions, aimed at strengthening, inter alia, law enforcement cooperation, mutual legal assistance, trans-border intelligence sharing in order to dismantle criminal organizations, all within the full respect for human rights and international law”.

The EU-CELAC Action Plan — and more specifically its Chapter 10 dedicated to Citizen Security — foresees, inter alia, the organization of inter-governmental seminars on Citizen Security.

The services provided during the 2-day event included travel arrangements, payment of daily allowance, preparation of badges, hiring of hostesses, hotel reservation and payment, the reservation and rental of the conference room, transfers between the airport and the hotel, technical equipment, catering and printing. The total number of those attending was 120.